
Indian Ink on Paper - 420x297mm - 2016

Before I start talking on and on about stuff you should totally listen to this: Kriegshög – Burn.

Kriegshög fucken rule. Highly recommend listening to their LP. It sucks that they weren’t around long enough to produce some more records. However, their quick appearance and disappearance suits the frantic style of noise they produce. I hadn’t listened to them until I got back from my second trip to Japan. My best mate asked me to grab him a copy of the LP because it’ll be heaps cheaper there than on the internet. Found it, bought it, gave it to friend, friend lent it to me, I listened, I feel in love, I was mildly angry at myself that I had bought the record for friend and not for myself.

Had I not given the record to my friend I probably would have gone many more years without hearing it, so having my ears exposed to such a high level badass is an ample reward for a good deed done.

I wonder if birds are aware that all the buildings, cars and power lines aren’t meant to be there. Would they hate us Even though I’ve been up around suburbs and builds all my life I still get the uneasy feeling that this isn’t how the world should look. I’m okay with this because I like houses, they keep me comfortable, also getting to listen to Bathory whenever I want is heaven (irony!…well irony if you listen to Bathory). Do birds have anything to gain from human constructions, I guess they’re not really built with birds as a consideration. It would be cool if birds shit on car windscreens as a ‘fuck you’ to humans. Then again, they make little nests which are like houses so maybe they’re cool with us. Then again again if the birds are like us I doubt one similarity is enough to stop hatred.

I always prefer drawing with an idea in my head whether it be conceptual or purely for visual fun. This is the later. If I can’t come up with an idea for a drawing, I’ll lay on my bed listening to music. For prevention against getting stuck scrolling through Facebook and Instagram, I’ll put my phone out of arms reach. Then think. At first the thoughts are all over the place, it’s always important just to let those thoughts play out for a while. Eventually after clearing out the scattered junk the brain starts to focus and ideas pop up out of nowhere.

If I’m constantly looking at shit on the internet or other people’s artwork I don’t get ideas for drawings. I find if I purposely bore my mind it comes up with ideas, gotta shut off the visual\mental noise and chuck on some audio noise. Not that music is boring, but it has the effect of both having attention and not at the same time, it’s easy to be accustomed to.

I can’t remember where this thought started exactly, but it was along the lines of me thinking about how I keep drawing the same style/kind of bird over and over. My past birds not exactly alike, but similar enough. Then I thought it would be interesting\fun to work around a giant hole in a bird’s neck. This led to the bird needing a long neck so I could properly play with the idea. I had already drawn a swan and wanted something new. A long beaked bird was something I hadn’t done before so off to Google images I went to find some cool looking birds.


Found a bird that looked good to play with (in regards to how I draw), did a sketch digitally, drew a new sketch on paper. I draw digitally to either quickly learn how to draw something or do a drawing that I don’t have the time to invest on paper. I always prefer working on paper. I have move focus when working non-digitally and well… it just feels better for some reason. That isn’t me being dismissive of digital drawing, I have a massive amount of respect for those who produce digital works I could never even hope to match technically in any medium.

I copy the paper drawing onto some fancy art paper, in this case Arches Watercolour paper. Then proceed to ink\Bob Ross the drawing. No clue what I’m doing. Happy accidents for days. Or well hours. This drawing was in done in a night which is rare for me. An A3 drawing will take me about 2-3 days to finish, I was quite stunned to finish this in one night. After completion starts reflection on all the things I fucked up, then get bummed that the drawing didn’t turn out that great, then go to bed. When I wake up I realise the drawing maybe isn’t as bad as I originally thought.

I ended up giving a print of the drawing to Masaki when I saw Kriegshög play back in 2016. I thought it’d be a nice gesture considering I ripped off the title of the drawing from the band. He was stoked and I was stoked that he was stoked. Masaki then gave me a Kriegshög t-shirt, the dude is pure class.